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Dec 19, 2018

This flash report explores the new culture of innovation that arises from the digital revolution and examines how wealth management firms can shift their internal culture to smoothly align with the vision of their digital strategy.

Most discussions about digital transformation hinge on either the technology itself or the interface between clients and the wealth management firm. However, for a digital transformation to be successful, firms must embrace, deepen, and encourage a culture of innovation.

This flash report explores the new culture of innovation that arises from the digital revolution and examines how wealth management firms can shift their internal culture to smoothly align with the vision of their digital strategy.

The report investigates culture within a firm from three perspectives: changes in management structure—from traditional hierarchical structures to agile management structures; changes in measuring success—from production metrics or return on investment to efficiently incorporating new technologies; and changes in the working culture—from the 9-to-5 model to more flexible models that work better today.

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